Third Sign of the Apocolypse...
The Plain truth about things Fancy
It's been an up and down week. Holly and I continued our shopping spree over the few more days she was here, but both she and Rod were sick. She kept getting very nauseous, and Rod was hit with a nasty flu. So bad that when Wednesday morning rolled around, there wasn't much solid sleep, and Rod was almost drowning in sweat, so I made the decision that Rod's first day at work was going to have to be delayed. He was just so sick! You know he had to have been sick to let me make that decision, because anyone who knows Rod, knows that he suffers from "MY LIFE FOR THE COMPANY" syndrome. There was a hiccup about a phone call, but Rod slugged his way through work on Thursday.
While Rod, Holly and I were waiting to cross the border into Washington, I came up with a new game called "What Not to say to US Customs Agents" and we came up with some real doozies:
"Are you the new Mabel*"
My sister turned 30-something yesterday! So here's a shout out to the big sister and second mum in my life...
I am ashamed for the delegates at the UN AIDS Conference who refused to identify those at-risk groups simply because these people's lifestyles go against some moral code. That attitude willfully ignores the fact that while Prostitutes, Prisoners, Drug users and Homosexuals are not only most at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, they are also the largest source of spreading it as well. How can any strategy be expected to work if we sweep this important fact under a rug.
weltschmerz (VELT-shmerts) noun