Monday, January 10, 2005

"We" time

Yes, it happened. It was bound to really. 9 days into the New Year, and Rod and I have our first fight of 2005. This one was really tame. Mostly because I locked myself in the bathroom and didn't come out until the fight was nearly over because I knew I'd have the urge to punch him if I was face to face with him. The fight boiled down to Rod's addiction to computer games, particularly at this moment, World of Warcraft.

I've been more patient, understanding and reasonable than I have about his games in the past, and even he has to openly admit this, but yesterday, he started playing when I asked him not to. So I locked myself in the bathroom and contemplated walking out for the night. I wouldn't have told him, I just would have gone. But I didn't and instead, we discussed, loudly at times, how games are and always have gotten in the way of *us*. Things were mostly resolved, though he still doesn't get why I was so upset, and I can't explain it any clearer than I did, so we'll just keep plugging along until the next fight.

One of the things that came out of the fight was that it's really clear that "We" needs some work. Right now "We" doesn't actually register a lot of time inside the house because he likes games and I like TV. He wants to read while I want to spout random thoughts and bits of information at any given second and converse. I'm bossy, and he's stubborn. We don't play board games that often because I usually kick his ass all over the board (unless it's Monopoly because I just lose all my money buying hotels), and being beaten so often must be a blow to his fragile Male ego (I know it's a blow to my fragile Male ego when I lose).

I will clarify that "We" happens a lot more in the summer time when I'm not petrified to go outside. We'll go to the park and kick the ball around a bit or go for walks, we'll drive around, we'll up and run off to Calgary for the day, etc. In the Winter, it's very hard to be a "We" outside because I hate the cold and won't go sledding, skiing, walking, etc. There are just some things I won't compromise on...cold is one of them. And inside, who has time or energy to be a "We" with over 100 channels on TV and the geeky world of online gaming beckoning you?

At any rate, rest assured my whole 3 readers or whatever: Rod and I are fine, all is well-ish. Now if only he'd wash the floors like he said he would....4 weeks ago.


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