Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The morning after the middle of the night

If this isn't completely coherent and spelling-mistake free, forgive me. It's been one bitch of a night.

I had about half of my African studies paper done yesterday before I came home from school and all was reasonably well. I started to work on it again around 10 and things were proceeding. Then the pissy devilbox rejected my floppy disk, and a minor panic arose. I worked on and off until about 1:30 am when I finished. It was great. Then things fell apart. I was about to go save it to the hard drive, when Microsoft Word shut down. No worries...I had it saved to the floppy. Except when I tried to re-open it, suddenly the file was corrupted. For 2 1/2 frantic hours, I tried everything Chris told me to try, and nothing worked.

At 4 am, I went in to the bedroom and told a very worried Rod that he was going to buy me a USB memory port keychain because I have 5 more papers and a presentation, and I do not need this aggravation over the next 3 weeks.

Went to bed around 4:30, woke up before's appointment at 10. Ouch. So hurried through the morning routine and went to the appointment. When I got home, Rod surprised me by telling me he'd actually salvaged almost all of the paper, and I just about fainted. With a little work and fixing up the bits that didn't survive the salvage, I have my paper back, printed and ready to go to the University. Except for one thing. I'm so dead tired and my head is killing me. I called to delay the job interview I had at 3, and sometime before 4, I need to get that paper to the university.

That's not all. Daryl called around 9:30 this morning to tell me that while he was at work last night, his jacket was stolen with his wallet and his keys in it. Talk about all hell breaking loose at 1:30 this morning. And it's his birthday today. Now he's got to get his locks changed, he needs to replace what little ID he had, and he's out $60 that our mother had given him to go out and celebrate his birthday before he goes to a concert tonight.

At 1:30 this morning, I wanted to burn the pissy devilbox at the stake and toss Rod off the balconey, but he came through for me in the biggest way possible, so he lives...but the devilbox still dies.

I need a nap.


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