Monday, November 01, 2004

I could just cry

I'm trying to get my passport papers in order, but I can't find a guarantor to sign the fucking papers. My doctor is on Maternity Leave, I have only seen my optometrist once and that was not even 2 years ago in a busy storefront office, and my one teacher who knows me from a hole in the wall is not a Canadian citizen. So my dentist is my last hope, but he's not in his office until 11:30 and I so wanted to avoid the noon-afternoon rush. I wanted to get an "in lieu of" document instead, but they wouldn't give me one. He said, "You have an optometrist." and I'm thinking, was I not supposed to get someone who knew me personally for the past two years? Is that not the point to a guarantor?

Of course, it wasn't until I left the passport office and pondered for a while before I realized I couldn't ask the eye doctor guy even if I wanted to because it hasn't been 2 years since the first time I say him. I'm about 3 or 4 months shy of that timeframe.

It was so much easier last time. We had a judge living across the hall from us, and she was kind enough to oblige me. No chasing people down all over town. And I certainly see why it's so important, but really, it was not out of line to just give me the piece of paper I requested. I know lots of Commissioners of Oaths, but they don't qualify as guarantors.

It's not easy being me.

Later Edit: My Dentist was extremely kind enough to oblige me in the middle of his first appointment. Note to everyone: get a hold of the list of guarantors and make friends with some folks on that list to avoid begging near-strangers.


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