Sunday, October 24, 2004

The Sun! The Sun!

Yes, the sun. It came out today. It made me happy, cause skies weren't grey. Too bad it's cold outside. But I'll take what I can get at this time.

Yesterday was the scene of an epic battle against time and crowds and impatience to find Brady's costume. By the end of the afternoon, Rod had a headache, we both lost our patience with each other, and we were forced to go with our backup plan. I didn't come through for Brady or Austin. But little can be done. Oh well.

I dropped Rod off at work and took Morgan home, and expected to settle in for the night with the remote control and my textbooks, until Jette called and we made plans to go see 'Surviving Christmas' with her visiting friend. The movie was painfully funny, and although I could see that Ben Affleck's makeup was too evident at times, there wasn't much for me to tear apart. It was a psychotically entertaining movie and I enjoyed it.

It's been a fairly lowkey weekend all in all. Nothing new to report.


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