Wednesday, October 06, 2004

It begins...

For those of you not acquainted with me, there is something you should now. I am afflicted with Seasonal Affective Depression (SAD--gee, what a cute acronym). And now, the sun is coming out less and less, and I feel myself beginning to slip into automaton mode. I don't take any prescription drugs because I don't care for the side effects. I've battled this for most of my life sheerly out of strength of will. Sometimes I am successful, sometimes not. I don't own a UV lamp as it's too expensive, and I don't use tanning beds because...well, mostly I'm too lazy to make appointments, but also, I just like my once a year tans to come from the actual sun.

Today I need to go sign up for an interview for SIHA, and I have to turn in my NMUN essay. Additionally, I have to do my readings before American history class tonight. I suppose you are curious about my schooling. Well, on my webpage, there's the beginnings of the Education/Career page to give you the basic background. Essentially, these last five classes are all that stand between me and being the first in my family to graduate from University:

History 453 - American history from 1945-1960
History 360 - Arctic history
Political Science 461 - Ethics in international politics
Political Science 354 - Comparative politics of Africa
Philosophy 120 - Symbolic Logic

My weakness is that I have no aptitude for math/logic, so that's my only real problem, and even though the prof has made it an unconventional style of learning, it's still up in the air. I just keep reminding myself, all I need is a D. Though a C would be nice and a B would rock. An A would signal the coming of the apocalypse, so we're not going to entertain that option.

But it's hard to make myself do all of the work expected of me, given that I can't even get moving enough to even get in the shower.


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