Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Fourfer!


I'll see your 'Hearts and Minds'

And raise you Brains and Intelligence. Seriously people, I want the universe to draw back it's hand and bitchslip the fucker who coined that simpering phrase, "hearts and minds." Just slap that bitch back to the Triassic Era.

What made me lose my stomach was hearing Canadian politicians parroting it like ignorant little school children, saying it cause they heard the big people say it. You want to win something? Try the trust of the People you are supposed to be representing rather than the Party. That insipid phrase is meant to do one thing...euphamize the idea that you are hated and there's nothing you can do about it. So folks, as a free-thinking, informed individual with a talent for logic and intuition, I will now set out to win the hearts and minds...of the Bush Administration.


Oh, by the way, you can't take it with you when you go.

On Monday before we headed to Whistler, we made a very important stop at Chapters to buy some very important materials: Power of Attourney and Legal Will kits. Why? Cause after 8 years, Rod and I have come to recognize that our lives are inextricably entwined, we're not going anywhere, and we're legally subject to the fickle laws of Next of Kin relationships. So, to that end, it's time to start protecting ourselves.

I know neither of our families would set out to screw either of us if something happened to the other, but certain laws and business rules dictate that there may not be a choice in the matter. As the person most intimately familiar and affected by Rod's life, and vice versa, and we are in the best position to judge what's the best course for the other.

Now, given that the will kit includes Living Wills and Personal Directives, it firms up my position that if I am completely incapacitated or in a vegetative state, and there's no hope for me to regain the kind of life I deem fit, Rod can pull the plug. The whole thing is designed to protect my wishes, and it protects Rod from the agony of having to make a terrible decision we hope neither of us have to face. It wouldn't turn into a Schiavo-type circus, as my parents, particularly my mother are informed of my wishes, but it would leave Rod no doubt of what he has to do, and helps him realize that it's the right thing.

Now...any suggestions on how I get Rod to work on it with me?


Can I use Buckshot in the Hunt for a Job?

Is there an environmentally-friendly ways to flier the Lower Mainland for a good job in my field? I'll admit, I'm very picky about what I apply on, and I'm staying away from reception jobs and the like, even in my field. A bitter taste has been left in my mouth from past experiences, and it's time to get serious.


Can we get some Chlorine in the Gene Pool Please???

Today Joey informed me that there was a news item describing how 5 people died trying to save a pigeon. Now, I love animals (just ask my very spoiled little babies), but PEOPLE!! IT'S A DISEASED FLYING RAT!! Can we get a little perspective here? Are 5 lives worth one annoyingly dumb bird's?

Darwin would be proud.


At 8:32 AM, Blogger Lance Morrison said...

Post #2:
There's also a link to it on my blog, under the charities Etc section. I volunteer there sometimes.

DWD is a right to die organization dedicated to improving the quality of dying and expanding end-of-life choices in Canada. As a menber, you can get a FREE living will, or you can order one from them.

Also, you can call them if you have any legal questions; that's what they're there for. They know the laws and might be able to help.

Post #3:
Rent (or buy) a hybrid car. Or train. The train would be running anyway, so why not jump on. In each city, you could take transit or rent a bike.
And to get home, just click your heels together three times....


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