First, the story breaks on
Dec 23rd that the Pope's gotten himself into trouble by comparing the devastation of the rain forest and climate change to the devastation of traditional genders in today's world.
Then today, we are treated to the stupidest (yes,'s so stupid, it deserves its own poor grammar) story...
The Pill is polluting the Environment. What a way to start 2009, eh?
Well, if you were thinking the headline is plausible, perhaps because of issues involving packaging or manufacturing, be prepared to be wrong about that theory. The story behind the headline has nothing to do with such concerns; instead, the crux of the story is that the hormones in the Pill are polluting the environment directly through Female Urine.
One problem guys: common sense dictates that nearly everything going in to the human body gets metabolized, so our's just Pee.
And as for the secondary claim that The Pill is partially responsible for male infertility? There isn't even any explanation for how this happens.
You know, the obvious overtone is that The Vatican is reaffirming its Anti-Contraception stance, but if you look beyond that surface, there is another veiled attack on Women's rights. By pinning male infertility on The Pill, The Vatican is blaming women for a the loss of male sexual prowess, and in doing so, is fostering resentment towards women making choices for themselves.
Even I realize that I sound like a feminist, and we know how I feel about wearing that label, but it's the curse of a social sciences education. The thing is that The Vatican has reaffirmed again and again over hundreds of years that they are misogynistic sexists. It has repeatedly clamped down on or condemned almost every effort women have made to break male domination in the Catholic Church. Given the history, for once I have a responsibility to sound like a feminist.