Yesterday was supposed to be cleaning day. My folks are rolling in sometime today for the holiday, and our house has been badly (even grossly) neglected after the last month while I went into uber-finals mode, and Rod...just didn't bother, come to think of it.
So, there I was in grubby clothes, unwashed, wearing yellow rubber up to my elbows, and struggling to get the bathroom mirror spotless, when the phone rang. Private number. Hmmm...Rod's downstairs doing laundry, and usually I let him handle private number calls, but I answered anyway, and I was delighted to find
Gail on the other end, inviting us out for supper, because she's in town for a few days this season. She suggested
Thai, I wavered, and the quick phone call ended with a promise to call when details were better nailed down on her end.
So I nearly died cleaning the bathroom, hustled Rod and I into showers, and out the door we rolled, headed for the West End to meet Gail and Eliza. I was nervous about the Thai thing because I have several food allergies, a strong dislike of vegetables, a weak stomach at the sight of seafood, and no love for curries. Rod and I arrived first, and waited for the ladies to show up, and I had a chance to peruse the menu. It wasn't looking promising until I came upon the sweet and sour chicken. There! I *could* eat Thai after all!
We met Eliza for the first time, and I have to say, I so desperately wish I could have her wardrobe/accessories. I have finally met someone who not only understands my love of shopping for expensive things (She came to dinner with a bag I could only dream of), but goes me one better and can afford said expensive things. I think I've found my newest idol :)
Lots of good stories about travel woes and talk about what Australians do and don't do, and about 3 and 1/2 hours later, we made our way outside, where we chatted for another 20 minutes or so about wedding stuff, and Gail got off a couple of funny shots of Rod and I. We went our separate ways, and Rod and I made it home in time to catch the last half of 'The Holiday' starring Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz...Gail, 'Love Actually' is a bit on the "roll your eyes" side, but it's not bad actually; I advise you to stay away from 'The Holiday' because *that* is a bundle of atrociousness. Horrid dialogue, overacting by Jack Black, and Cameron Diaz...well, Cammy's crying is about the WORST crying on cue scene I have ever seen. Ever.
In other news, Holiday shopping done, prezzies wrapped, dancing about impatiently waiting for Boxing Day Shopping.
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Social Policy Issues from Simon Fraser University completed. Final semester tally: one A-, one A, one A+ for an A average, and a grand total of a 3.73 GPA or better than A-
Started temping again. Not pleased about this, but there is a reason. I am at the mid-application stage of my Grad School venture. My application and fee are in, my multitude of transcripts are snail-mailing their way downtown, and my references and self-submitted requirements are being formulated. So right now is not the time to be committing to a job or even a job search. After February, I'll know whether to keep temping and wait for September, or whether it's time to go out and get a real j-o-b. I almost had an interview with a health related organization, but that fell through.
So my next hurdle after Boxing Day (the third most important day of the year for me, after New Year's Eve and Hallowe'en), it's on to the end of the year, and what a year it has been! But that's better left for its own post. Season's Greetings from your friendly neighbourhood Atheist!