Friday, May 06, 2005


yes folks, spring comes late to the Poitras/Chudyk household, but none the less, it's officially spring when a major purge occurs. Today, 2 green garbage bags full of clothes and miscellaneous items, a box of kitchenware, and a duffle bag full of purses/bags all go to a donation sites here in town, a bag of toiletries goes to the food bank, and an old scanner goes to be recycled.

And all this is just the beginning really. I did get rid of a white garbage bag full of old school notes and stuff, and I have a whole filing cabinet drawer full of stuff to go through. I want to go ALL out this time, because I'm considering finding us a new apartment with more space, and if I manage to talk Rod into a move, I don't want to move stuff that can be tossed. Call it all part of my "growing up and moving on" plan. Rod's nearly 30, and at 26, I'm no spring chicken, so it may be time to give up this "Student" existence that we are clinging to.

We face years of debt, but we can't really afford to put our lives on hold for 10 years while we pay it off. It's time to start accommodating our growing household and making sacrifices like all the other grown-ups do. Of course, the future does scare me somewhat, and I know change scares Rod a great deal, but no one ever said growing pains were easy.


At 2:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but "our growing household"? Is there something that you failed to blog about? Are you now eating for two?

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Fancy C. Poitras said...

No silly. Households can grow in other ways! I meant financially., as in, I have to go out and get a job-thingy, which means I have to get paid.


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