Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Today, Condi Rice sat there in front of the Senate, the camera and the world and talked about "Outposts of Tyranny." What's this? Well...she said, "In our world there remain outposts of tyranny and America stands with oppressed people on every continent... in Cuba, and Burma (Myanmar), and North Korea, and Iran, and Belarus, and Zimbabwe." And I'm thinking what the hell? I guess 'Axis of Evil' was the catchphrase for the first Shrubya Administration. Out with the old, in with the new! Welcome to the world "Outposts of Tyranny"!

Is it just me, or it this Administration getting more and more ridiculous? I mean, seriously! Who comes up with this stuff? Who's writing US Policy, Danielle Steele? Are we to be subjected to further moronic euphamisms and flowery language for another 4 years? When exactly did the Commander-in-Chief's job become spouting poetic crap instead of talking straight with Americans?

Furthermore, if Condi's so bloody smart, why does she sound like a bloody idiot when listing these outposts? "...and...and...and...and...and..." Bloody hell woman, have someone check a speech in front of the Senate for grammar and punctuation. I can fuck up my language here in the old blog, but you can bet if I'm about to go into a room to try to convince people to hire me for a big job, I'm going to make sure I sound absolutely fucking BRILLIANT.

Outposts of Tyranny? Well hell then, add my apartment to the list. I oppress Rod and restrict his civil rights all the time! "...in Cuba, and Burma, and North Korea, and Iran, and Belarus, and Zimbabwe, and Apartment #510."


At 6:51 PM, Blogger Gail at Large said...

Then there's my personal favourite: "Coalition of the Unwilling." When I'm in the U.S., that's how I refer to Canada and Canadians.


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