Radio Silence Explained
Well, there is certainly no shortage of goings on in our lives these days, but the problem is that what's going on it entirely too overwhelming to process quickly, much less be able to turn around and talk about it here.
The biggest news is that Rod and I are taking in our niece. Her life has not been an easy one, and lately her situation has been unfortunate at best. I don't want to get into specifics because it involves some very personal and sensitive information about family members, but be assured, she is unharmed physically, so it's nothing as scary as that. Part of this is a pre-emptive measure, part of it is about another chance for everyone involved to work out some issues that have brought us all to this point.
This development is a week or so old, and she is not here yet, but she will be quite soon. It's a lot to process, because it means we need to consider moving to a two bedroom sooner than we anticipated, and adjustments are necessary for Rod, the girl, and me to make this work. We don't know how long this will be, but with all our hearts, we hope things can be sorted by the end of the summer, and she can be reunited with family members.
Sadly, this is not the first time this year we've had to intervene for a kid; in January, at the same time as Harry's passing, we found ourselves in a similar situation with Niece's Brother. It's heartbreaking, frustrating, maddening...but we are getting through it as a (dysfunctional) family, and we know that everyone is in it to protect the kids.
So if I've blown you off in the past week, I'm very sorry, and I know you understand.
In other news...
-The Wedding planning is heating up again, with moves to get the wedding party dressed and ready.
-My last day at the less-than-stellar temp job is tomorrow (very excited) and I can look forward to the next assignment.
-My laser surgery is mere hours 48 hours time, I will be free of visual aids for the first time in about 18 years...the anxiety and excitement mounts.
-It's time to get my ass moving on applying for late scholarships! Yes folks, even school weighs on my mind in this time of chaos.
-Detroit AND Colorado have advanced to the second round, making me very I just need Calgary to do the same to increase the odds of my two teams making it to round 3. I'm not cheering for Calgary necessarily, it's just that if they advance, 2 things happen: 1) San Jose is out, and that's good cause they are a viable threat to take the Stanley Cup this year, and 2) if Calgary advances, they play Detroit, but if they don't, Detroit and Colorado face each other, and that means one of my teams is out...hopefully not Detroit. Remind me to explain to you just how my hiearchy of Hockey goes sometime.
Fuck, you know, this is a good time to reflect on the theme of this blog (Now What?) but to be brutally honest, I'm scared to death to ask...I just don't know that I can take anything else. Is it 2009 yet?