Sunday, March 11, 2007

How do I do it?

Apparently, I am a fantastic bullshit artist. I knew I was a bullshit artist, but even I'm impressed with how good I am, and precious little in this world truly impresses me.

I got back an assignment I did for a class, for which I got extra comments about the originality, thoughtfulness, and (the impressive part) the "spark" in my writing style. These are informal assignments, which means I don't have to be wasting time with third-personness and formality, but I do maintain some sense of decorum in my writing, I just add some of the flair which occasionally graces this blog when I can muster it.

Now, the thing is, I'm almost certain I'm handing in complete crap. Really. Like, smears of elephant dung on paper. Because it's an Anthropology class, and I, by training, am not an Anthropology student, so I'm always sure I'm missing the point of assignments. I muddle through as best I can, and hope for the little check mark. Seems I get a lot of assignments back with the check mark, accompanied by the plus sign, which is just swell.

I even managed an A- on a 3-part assignment, and I was certain that 2/3 of the work was not great quality.

I am by no means suggesting that I'm pulling a fast one on a trained professional Anthropologist/Professor, because that's a highly unlikely scenario. But I am just so surprised that stuff I'm slapping together on the fly (and which isn't always what I would consider to be quality work) is getting such an excellent response! It could be that I'm being too hard on the quality of work I'm producing, but seriously, I feel like most of the time I'm shovelling out the bullshit by the gallon.

Have I finally cracked the secret to University?


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